What makes up an academic article?

They are edited by the authors' colleagues and often take years to publish. Its language is formal and will contain words and terms typical of the field. The names of the authors will be present, as will their credentials. If you follow the steps and tips listed in this post on how to write an academic article, it will be much easier for you to start writing academic texts. Articles published in academic, peer-reviewed, academic and refereed journals have a higher level of credibility than articles published in popular or commercial journals (“journals”), since they have undergone the most rigorous peer review procedure.

The structure of an academic journal article contains a cover, a summary page with keywords and acknowledgements, an introduction, the main body, the conclusion, and references.

Online journals

have broadened the academic landscape, highlighting the importance of publications in building and maintaining an academic reputation. Most academic journals publish articles of between 20 and 25 A4 pages (1.5 line spacing) or between 4,000 and 7,000 words. The title is the initial hook that will entice a potential reader to notice the writing of your academic article. This is the section where you thank people who didn't qualify to be co-authors, but who made significant contributions to your article academically, financially, or otherwise.

An academic article, also known as a research article or original article, is one of the main ways in which new knowledge and discoveries are communicated to the scientific or academic community. When you recognize someone in your academic writing, you demonstrate greater honesty as a writer because you are not declaring that the ideas of other academics are your intellectual property. While acknowledgements may seem like a minor component of writing an academic article, they are essential. At some point in your academic career, you may be asked to search for and use an academic or academic resource.

When writing academic articles, your citations and references must be balanced, recent, and relevant. This means that other academics have read them before they are published to ensure that the evidence supports the statements they make.